CollegeWeekLive for Colleges

Our Engagement Platform

The CollegeWeekLive Engagement Platform is an interactive solution you can deploy throughout the enrollment process. With activities such as online chats, webcasts, and virtual college fairs, our platform enables schools to build stronger relationships with students and drive better enrollment results.

Platform Features

Branded Pages

Our pages serve as the launch point for you to connect with your audience. Within pages, you can run videos, post important links, host webcasts, and manage live chats. CollegeWeekLive offers a variety of templates for you to build out your pages in a way that best supports your messaging and communication goals.

Online Chat

Connect with students in real time through online chat on our platform. You can schedule chats in advance, or create impromptu meetings. In addition, you can incorporate video into your chat, and build out invitation only "private" chats where appropriate.


We support a variety of webcast options - spanning live, on-demand, simulive and Facebook Live, with features such as multiple presenters and live chat.

Ready to find out more?

Request a demo today!